Friday, December 11, 2009

The Right To Be Rich

Maybe it's the approaching holidays, maybe it's the cold, or maybe it's just the natural product of an universe that manifests itself through the creative vehicle of inspiration. Whatever it is, for some days now I've had this recurring thought in my head. This "voice" that prompts me to blog about one of my favorite books, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles.

Many people who have read this book report having a transformative experience. They speak about not being able to put the little book down until they finished reading it. I was no different. After I learned this book had been the seed of the hit movie "The Secret", I sought it out. It didn't take long to find a free pdf of it out on the web (the book book was published in 1910 so it's in the public domain). I read it, or rather devoured it, and a few days later I got an audio version so I could listen to it in the car, I put on my iPod so I could carry it with me everywhere. I was drunk with the book's wisdom, and I couldn't get enough. It has been about 3 years now, and I still listen to it, occasionally but with the same enthusiasm as the first time.

The book did in fact influence me in ways I could not have imagined at the time. And it inspired me to leave job security to go into business for myself. I found the necessary capital, the people, the facilities, and the product. Applying the principles I learned from the book, I launched my business. That was January 2007, at the beginning of the worst economic recession since the great depression. What happened? Simple: I lost my way, I stopped applying the principles I had learned, and like so many others, I witnessed, in horror, my descent into near financial ruin. So I thought. And my thoughts were proved right, as they should have been for we are a result of all we have thought.

Strangely, in the midst of the storm, I found levels of mental peace I had not experienced before. The Science of Getting Rich brought me abundance in a completely unexpected way. It is as if the lack of prosperity I had sought was being matched by the wealth of serenity that I hadn't even considered that important. And, as I pull out of the economic crisis, the mental peace remains, more than enough peace to counter the moments of anger, fear, and frustration.

I can't stop thinking of the opening chapter in the book, the chapter titled "The Right To Be Rich," and more specifically the following passages:

Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No one can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul
development unless he has plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and to
develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things
unless he has money to buy them with.

The object of all life is development, and everything that lives
has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining.

And so here it is, some rambling thoughts that I just had to put on my blog. I'll keep you updated int the near future on whether this inspired action to write about this topic continues to "nag" me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Let's Talk About Giving Kids an Allowance

I spend a fair amount of time looking for the unusually brilliant. Some of what I find I just comes to me in an email or while I surf the web. And this downloadable book called Allowance Secrets is a great example.
Now, to be fair, this isn't your usual free report you can download from may sites, and which leaves much of the good stuff out until you pay for it. This is an honest-to-goodness, 200-page, wisdom-packed FREE ebook about the pro's and con's of giving your kid an allowance.You may think you know all that's important about that subject, but I guarantee this book will get you thinking about kids and their allowance in ways you haven't imagined.

It took me a couple of days to read it, but I came away with a renewed sense of empowerment. So much of what most us need in today's world is not taught in schools, and frankly, despite their best efforts, many parents are doing a less-than-stellar job teaching their kids about money. I'm willing to accept that my parents were not very good teachers in personal finance matters. I am not willing to accept the same for my own kids.

So, go download the free book now, and while you are there give some serious thought to signing up for some of the other offers that will presented to you. They're giving away some very nice bonuses with the paid stuff. If it's not for you, that's ok, but please...
GET THE FREE BOOK NOW!Click here to get your copy of Allowance Secrets

P.S. When you get a chance, go to JosePineda's Portal and click on the Universal Mall link on the left. I've been developing a new one-stop shopping site, and I hope you will check it out. I already have some really good deals on different merchandise listed there, and more on the way as I get time to find the kind of bargains I'm interested in.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Unusual Exercise in Manifestation

So, let's say you have really given it a try, this manifestation thing. You have bought, almost completely, into this law of attraction business (the so-called 'Secret'). You visualize, you affirm, you meditate, you attend seminars, hang out in law-of-attraction groups, etc, etc. But, that one thing (or two) you really want, the one or two things that really would change your LIFE still elude you. Rather than getting into explanations as to why this is, let me encourage you to do a few things I'm going to suggest. We'll philosophize after. Deal?

Ok, so in spite of your best efforts, it just doesn't seem like the law of attraction is working for you. But how can this be? This is a universal law, perfect in its design and implementation. It's like gravity, right? We don't know really what it is, but we sure like heck know its effects. Well, try this: manifest something that you really, absolutely, and positively don't care about. Make it outlandish, outrageous, and off-the wall. At least make it something that really won't have an effect on your life if you experience it, but that is far outside your 'normal' experience. The point being that when it 'comes true', you will know you, yes you, manifested it.

Let me give you a couple of examples of what I'm talking about.
  1. Do you usually go out for walk? Ok, let's say you take a walk during the daytime. And, it's not within your normal experience to see a helicopter fly "close" to you. So you decide to manifest a helicopter, a yellow helicopter, that flies towards you and passes almost or directly overhead. This is not a helicopter that you see off in the distance. This is a yellow helicopter, heading your way, and flying over you close enough that you can see the lettering on it.
  2. Maybe you're not the 'going-for-a-walk' type. So, you're sitting there staring at the driveway outside your kitchen window. You decide to manifest a bird, a brown bird, that flies into you field of vision from the upper right hand corner. The bird will land in a specific area of the driveway that you intend, the bird will walk to the east, then turn around and walk to the west, then fly off in a southerly direction. This is the scenario you intend to manifest.
Now, this exercise assumes that you have some experience in attempting to manifest those things you really want in life. However, let me set some guidelines to do this exercise:
  • Ask yourself what detailed, unusual thing you'd like to see or experience. Decide on something that is completely unimportant to your happiness or really outside the limits of what you desire in life. Like, a bird landing on the driveway, etc. You get the idea!
  • Don't go too crazy with detail, but don't be vague. A certain level of detail is needed to make sure that your mind doesn't classify a similar experience as 'just a coincidence.'
  • Make your intention not only a mental thing, speak it out. Write it down, and read it out loud. It would be good if you relax for a couple of minutes before declaring your intention; do some deep breathing before you visualize.
  • Express gratitude to your creator, to the universe, or just say thanks for the experience.
  • Make your intention something to be manifested right now. Don't set any kind of time limit or time expectation on your intention beyond your clear intent that this is to be manifested right here and now. Express gratitude for the experience in the now, as if it's happening or already happened.
  • Be passionate or deliberate about your intention. Just because this is something that will not affect your life per se, you still make it clear to yourself and "anyone" listening that THIS IS what you intend right here and right now. Don't be wishy-washy about this. It is so because you intend it so. Period!
  • After a couple of minutes of this self-talk, let it go. Go about your business, but keep an eye out for the presence of what you have intended.

I'm not going to get into a discussion about why I set up this exercise in this manner. Suffice it to say that this is based on personal experience, an experience that I'd love for you to have, if you want it. Send me an email or leave a comment on this blog about your experience. I'll discuss this exercise in more depth in the near future.

Jose Pineda

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Success in 6 Minutes A Day

Almost daily now, I'm running into a new program or course that shows people how to tap the power of the subconscious mind to improve their lives. While this is not a cure-all for your less-than-perfect life, subconscious reprogramming is essential if you are to improve your lot in life.

Before you can get to a better you, you have to radically change the way you think, the way you look at the world, and probably your most fundamental beliefs. We hear this from self-help experts all the time. In fact, just about every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has tried to teach the rest of us poor saps about the importance of our beliefs: from Buddha, to Jesus, to Spinoza and more recently Tony Robbins and Joel Osteen.

One of, what I consider, these great teacher is Bob Proctor. Perhaps you've heard of him since he was the main teacher in that little video known as "The Secret." But I had heard of Bob years before that. I had even read some of his stuff. Now, when he came out with this new program called Six Minutes To Success, I was (I have to admit) glad to hear that the "6-minute Abs" principle had finally come to self-help. Why?

Well, you can read all the self-help books in the world, you can attend personal growth seminars until you're blue in the face, but unless you focus on a specific set of problems & solutions, and stick with the program, you are likely to become one of the tons of well-meaning people who don't see much of a return on their self-help investments.

Basically, if you stick with the Six Minutes To Success program, the results are bound to be so fantastic that your mind will find it easier to accept that even more positive changes can be gleaned from more in-depth personal development efforts. So, check it out, click on the link or the banner to go get all the details.

SixMinutesToSuccess Banner

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cell Phone Cash Machine

Cell Phone Cash Machine: "Are you aware that there are over 4.3 Billion cell phone users worldwide, and if you know the right techniques you can plug into this untapped market easily and glean money from it."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Self Esteem: The Art Of Being Confident

There are hundreds of confidence-building products on the internet today, but a lot of these products often use the same old techniques that have been mentioned for decades. What if you have read it all, tried it all, and still failed in your confidence building efforts? Well, this can be quite disheartening.


IMHO, this issue of self-esteem is one of the most fundamental, and important, issues affecting society today. Lack of self-esteem can be tied to criminal activity, divorce rates, suicide rates, and overall quality of life. Why do I say this? Let me put it this way: why would someone else appreciate you and love you when you don't appreciate and love yourself? The truth is that self esteem is all about the art of being confident.

Part of the reason for the current epidemic of low self-esteem is that we allowed and validated the thinking that loving yourself is bad. You may be thought of as conceited by others. Yet since so many of those "others" have their own self esteem issues, does it make sense to give their opinion that much weight?

There's also the issue of religion. The web is full of seemingly erudite writings that remind us that "love yourself" is not in the Bible, and is not a commandment. Apparently, these experts have found evidence in the Bible that God, a moody, demanding sort of guy God who needs to be appeased through praise, denies his own creation (us) by calling us bad, and commanding us to love him and others. But not ourselves. Although, Jesus did shed some light on the issue when he stated "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself." So, Jesus apparently did recognize the importance of loving oneself, and transmitting that love to others.

I'm not going to get into a "religious" debate here. I come at it from a simple perspective: you can not truly love others until you love yourself first. Or even more simply, how can you truly give others that which you yourself don't have to give? My suggestion: get rid of the idea that God will punish you if you love His creation (you) the way you love his other creations (everybody else).

If you suffer from low self esteem, you can do certain things (at this "earthly" level) to raise it. One of the methods I would urge you to check into is called Peak Confidence. I'm not going to bore you with a sales pitch and all that. But frankly, I like the way this confidence building system approaches the issue of self-esteem, so check it for yourself, then decide and take action to raise your self-esteem.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Get Off The Fence Already

The decision you’ve made to seek a better life is HUGE, enormous, gigantic… just use whatever superlative you find appropriate to describe the importance of that decision. Hmmm… Am I being a smartass about this? Not at all. The fact is that millions of people around the world complain and gripe about their lives. The say they want something better. Some of them even manage to sound convincing when they tell their friends that they’re going to do something to change their lives. Yet, relatively few of them actually follow through, that is, few of them actually make the decision to change. Making a decision is an absolute thing. There is no wavering, or being on the fence. Truly making a decision to change means just that: you absolutely intend to (and take action) to change.

Oh, and one more thing:
Be wise, decisive, and live with the consequences. Take it like a man!
Be like my favorite Tuff Guy who says "man's got to know his limitations."

Friday, June 26, 2009

Energy, Green or Otherwise

In my recent piece, I wrote about my amazement at our dependence on relatively few sources for producing electricity.

It may seem like a departure for me to write about the subject of electricity. Given that this blog is about the universal nature of all that surrounds us (and that which interests me), I figured I’d devote some time and effort to such an important subject. After all, were it not for electricity, you wouldn’t be reading this!

I found a web site that markets a kit for making solar panels. I was unaware that solar technology had progressed to the point where a ‘do-it-yourself’ (DIY) person could make his or her own electricity.
Some of the articles used to market the product got me thinking about the way we refer to energy.

For instance, one of the articles states that that “The sun has always been a source of heat energy and light energy. With the advancement of technology, the sun’s energy can be used to create other forms of energy.”
Strictly speaking, of course, we cannot create energy because it already exists. We can, however, harness the energy from one source and direct it towards a specific use. Minor point, I concede, since the purpose of the article is to market a product. I did find an interesting nugget of information about current methods of producing electricity that are not dependent on oil or coal.

It has been estimated that 90 percent of the electrical energy produced by renewable resources is produced solely by hydro power. Dams are built to help generate electricity by tapping the water power. The hydro energy or water energy is an effective renewable energy, but it’s impractical for most residential applications (meaning each house having a hydro plant), so it’s typically generated on a large scale. Also, there have been some concerns about using this energy because it is supposed to adversely affect the water-borne flora and fauna.
That leaves solar energy as the next best alternative to reduce or eliminate your electric bill. After all, energy from the sun is what makes our existence on this rock possible, and it’s the most abundant and reliable source of energy. So the DIY crowd just needs a little help in getting the know-how for harnessing the sun’s energy, and harnessing more legal tender into their wallets.I urge you to visit the website I mentioned by going HERE

After all, the sun will shine tomorrow, and energy – green (as in money) or otherwise – will be available to all of us.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Winds of Change

I'm sitting by the pool on a seemingly rainy day, watching the kids play in the water. The winds have picked up, and suddenly a quasi-poetic thought about all the change taking place in the world enters my mind. Clearly, I'm taking myself too seriously. I know that a low pressure system is making its way to Arizona, and that's the reason why the day looks gloomy compared to the usually sunny, hot and cheerful summer day I've grown accustomed to.

Yet, my normally detached demeanor is being challenged. I know better than to watch the news, and today I got a reminder why a recovering news addict (me) should stay away from certain channels on the TV. I admit, I fell off the wagon.

Then again, compared to the cheating, Christian S.C. governor; protesters in Iran; the dozens of dead victims of terror in that Iraqi market; the unemployment rate, and the North Koreans, the winds of change caressing my face right now feel pretty darned good. Yeah, that's it. I know that change is as constant as routine is complacent.

I wonder what's on the sci-fi channel?
By the way: talking about wind, here's a cool site that can help you
cut your electric bill using solar and wind power instead:
Download the Solar and Wind Kit HERE

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thank God for Stupitidy...I mean... differing viewpoints

Leave it to Canadian scientists to offer a silly conclusion to a psychological experiment. They found that positive thinking may actually be harmful to some people with low self-esteem. Now, I don't know if these researchers were psychologists or what, but whatever they are, they missed the boat (to put it mildly).

As it's being reported, the researchers wrote that "From at least as far back as Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking" (1952), the media have advocated saying favorable things to oneself." Does anybody else catch that? The media have advocated, they say. In other words, forget about the experiences, the evidence, the history, and alas, other studies that have shown the benefits of positive thinking. What's important here is what the media has to say about it! (Yes, I'm being sarcastic).

Ok, let me get serious, then. The fallacy in the design of this study (IMHO) is that repeating statements that are contrary to well-entrenched subconscious programming is just simply lying to oneself. This has been known for quite a while. You cannot lie to yourself, and change your subconscious beliefs. Period. Changing your subconscious programming involves choosing a different belief and expressing that choice, then reinforcing your new choice with repetition, faith, detachment, and gratitude. If you have low self-esteem, the way to raise your self-esteem will involve a little more effort than just repeating positive statements in front of the mirror.

Changing your dominant thoughts, your beliefs, is a well-researched topic with tons of testimonials from people who have learned to "speak subconscious." The topic is too long and involved for me to explore in this blog.

So, it appears these Canadians proved that lying is bad (especially to oneself), and that it will probably make you feel worse. I find it peculiar that someone paid these guys to find evidence in support of a well-known fact. I mean, even God wrote in stone: Thou shalt not lie... or something to that effect. What are they going to study next? The viscosity of ketchup? Oh wait, somebody did that one already. I'm serious, look it up!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Simplest Question

Complications. We LOVE them! I'm wrong, you say?
Consider for a moment just how hectic our lives are. Take note of the plethora of emotions we experience on any given day. Did you know that we have upwards of 50,000 thoughts per day? Most of that 'thinking' takes place outside our awareness. Your subconscious mind, much like a tape player on an endless loop, is always emitting thought waves. The majority of those thoughts are repetitive.
So, if those thoughts are not beneficial to your existence, they are probably complicating your life. In other words, if you keep thinking what you've been thinking, you'll keep getting what you've been getting.

What many people 'have been getting' usually involves a fair amount of quiet desperation, lack of fulfillment, a sense of going nowhere or going where they don't want to go, and frequent encounters with that pesky question: is this as good as it gets? Sounds bleak, doesn't it?

There is, however, one simple little question that can turn things around for you if your life doesn't quite reflect your innermost desires. The question is "WHAT do I really want?"

On the surface, this question might look like the simplest question to answer. Try this, though: ask your friends and relatives to answer the question "what do you want, what do you really want?", and then sit back and watch them fumble their way to an answer.

Some will ask for clarification like "what do you mean?" Tell them you mean exactly what you just asked them: what is it that they want? You may take pity on them and add a couple of words like "out of life" or "in your life." Then sit back and watch.

Many will tell you exactly what they don't want. Most will not be able to just answer the question directly and self-assuredly. Why?

Plainly, most people just have not asked themselves that question and gotten a satisfactory answer. It's easier for most to tell you what they don't want than to tell you (and themselves) what they really do want.

If you do answer the question to yourself, I suggest you write it down. If the answer is only present in your mind, it's sharing space with all kinds of emotions and memories that may render the answer useless. If you read the answer on a piece of paper everyday, your subconscious will accept the answer, and it will become part of your mental programming.

So now that you know this, what do you want... to do about it? Photobucket

Friday, June 12, 2009

Do You Get My Point?

Just five years ago, I saw Dr. Wayne Dyer on a TV show where he was delivering a message of love, spirituality, and other personal-growth nuggets. I watched for about 10 minutes before I decided that this guy was just too "wimpy" for me to pay attention to. Boy, have I done a one-eighty!

What I didn't understand at the time was that my ego was so 'healthy' that I just wasn't prepared to accept a message about my higher, spiritual self being the real 'ME', the Universal ME, as it were.

In his book "The Power of Intention", Dr. Dyer devotes quite a bit of ink to talking about the Ego. I am not really referring to the Freudian definition of ego (at least not in the strict definition) but rather to an all-encompassing idea we develop about ourselves based on our experiences. Since our experiences are shaped by our family, friends, and external circumstances, the ego (to me) represents our interpretation of those experiences: our fears, doubts, worries, should-would-ought-to-be thoughts, and (of course) our best 'intentions.'

Dr Dyer's assertion is that our ego-mind is really so small compared to our true, spiritual mind, that we tend to live in a world of small-minded experiences. That would explain our fascination with "making a point."

We are so used to 'making a point', be it by words or actions, that we rarely stop to consider how all this point-making affects our lives. We cloak our points in logic, research, practice-runs for arguing with someone, passive-aggression, and a host of other devices. Our entrenchment in the "I'm right, and you....well..." zone is so deep that we limit our human experience to what our ego allows. Hey, I know this because I've lived it.

So, I learned (and I'm still learning) to recognize the pervasive nature of our ego. After all, it just isn't that easy to "kill" that which we know as "being our Self." Ego is a well trained martial artist. Just when you think you've knocked the wind out of "him," he kicks you in the head - and down you go. And as you lay on the canvass, dizzy from the kick, you find yourself in an argument, or in a state of feeling like you're under attack, or just plain disbelief!

So, thankfully, that "wimpy" message from Dr Dyer came back to kick me in the head. And after I got up, I learned that if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at... well, they change!

Do you get MY point?

Monday, June 8, 2009

True Decisions are Absolute When Making a New 'YOU'

This thing about making a decision is so absolute, and so important, that if you qualify it then you really have not made a decision. What do I mean? Well, let’s say you “have made a decision” to lose weight, so today you will pig out and get started on your weight loss regimen tomorrow. Are you being honest with yourself? Do you really mean it? I submit you are not. Yet we all have been through similar experiences; in fact we even joke about it - like when we “make” New Year’s resolutions.

Why am I harping on this point so much? Because it’s the first step on the journey to a new YOU. No first step, no journey. And yes, I know you probably already know and understand this. Yet, our lives don’t necessarily change because we know what to do; they change because we do what we know. I know people who have spent years complaining about finding someone who can just listen to and understand them. They share their misery with just about anyone who pays them some attention. Do you know anyone like that?

What if, though, all that time and energy they spent complaining were instead spent following up on decisions they could have made to improve their lives? I’m not saying we should keep everything “bottled up”, but I am saying that we should at least, AT LEAST, be aware that the more we talk about our misery (even if it feels good to unload for a few minutes) the more misery we invite into our lives.

The fact is that millions of people around the world complain and gripe about their lives. The say they want something better. Some of them even manage to sound convincing when they tell their friends and loved ones that they’re going to do something to change their lives. Yet, relatively few of them actually follow through, that is, few of them actually make the decision to change. Please understand, making a decision is an absolute thing. There is no wavering, or being on the fence. Truly making a decision to change means just that: you absolutely intend to (and take action) to change. Are you a real decision-maker?

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Counter-intuitive nature of making up

Recently, I saw a report on TV about the impact the current economic crisis is having on marriages and families. The focus of the report was the attempts being made by men and women who had recently ended their relationships to get back together with their ex.

Hey, Ive been there. I've tried the "I will change" approach, with a dash of "you're the only one who makes me happy" routine. Of course I threw in the flowers, jewelry, 'going on a date' ingredients in the mix, and baked it all (on high) in the oven of "the logic of staying together."

It didn't work. And, frankly, I'm thankful for it!
While it is possible that all the usual approaches I just mentioned may yield positive results, more than likely, they won't. At least not for the long term. This is not rocket science: if the usual "YOU" led to a breakup, an unknown, inexperienced and new "YOU" just won't know what to do.

Think about it. Most breakups are the result of a process or series of events rather than just a one-time thing. This begs the question: Would changing to what, how, and who your ex thinks you should be really bring happiness to you both? Doubtful. Yet, this seems to be the preferred method for trying to salvage the relationship.

Those of us who have managed to salvage broken relationships (and make it stick) know it takes quite a bit of work, letting go of your ego (or most of it) and willingness to accept some harsh realities, which is another way of saying: change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.

The fact remains that the real secret to salvaging a relationship is not much of a secret, but it is 'counter intuitive.' Even that last statement comes with the following qualifier: your current intuition about how things can get back to normal is not your real intuition, but your ego. I know this may be a hard pill to swallow, but it is one of those "harsh realities" I mentioned earlier.

By your ego I mean the "should be", "should have", "ought to" thoughts racing through your head in the midst of your sadness. Yet, deep inside you, there is a voice that can tell you how to find happiness. That is your REAL intuition.

When you add the stress of external circumstances to the mix (like an economic meltdown) it may just be time to seek external help. But even this (in my opinion) should be a counter-intuitive move. Many troubled couples will subject to "marriage or couple's counseling." Again, it is possible that, with time, this approach may yield positive results. But what if you want result now?

We do live in a society that encourages and rewards instant gratification. In my opinion, this is not an all-together bad thing. The problem arises when the searching for instant gratification gets your life out of balance. Yet, wanting to be happy right now is not a bad pursuit.

If you are willing to change your state of being to that of being happy, your path to salvaging your relationship gets a lot easier to walk. How do you change your state of being? Declare it. Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and enthusiatically anounce that you choose to be happy. Declare that you intend to be happy, now. Repeat it as often as you can. Then notice how you feel. Do it again, and again, and...well, you get the idea. Just keep it up.
Your ex does not want to be with an 'unhappy' YOU. Nor does he/she want to be unhappy! Here's some good news: have you heard the saying "misery loves company"? Well, happiness adores company.

Now, there are some things (actions) you will have to do to let your ex know about the new, happy YOU. This post is intended to get you going, not to hold your hand in a step by step process. So, may I suggest you visit the following web site, register, and get more info? Here it is:

Friday, May 29, 2009

I finally got around to it

Years of posting to newsgroups and forums (albeit intermittently). Opining on everything from Politics to LAN administration, and of course, personal development, aka self-help. A mind used to intuitive "thinking", yet denied respect for the sake of social graces or appearances. A high-achiever who lost his way, more or less. A child who, for a while, was in touch with his true source (a source that has never left him) only to make contact again three decades later.

And so, I finally got around to setting up a blog. Now that I have learned to calm my mind through the use of meditation, I intend to "let it all out" here.

So, stay tuned and thank you for your time.

May I suggest you check out the following web sites?

Suffering through a breakup?
This Might Help
CLICK HERE if you're serious about working from home
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind