Monday, November 9, 2009

Unusual Exercise in Manifestation

So, let's say you have really given it a try, this manifestation thing. You have bought, almost completely, into this law of attraction business (the so-called 'Secret'). You visualize, you affirm, you meditate, you attend seminars, hang out in law-of-attraction groups, etc, etc. But, that one thing (or two) you really want, the one or two things that really would change your LIFE still elude you. Rather than getting into explanations as to why this is, let me encourage you to do a few things I'm going to suggest. We'll philosophize after. Deal?

Ok, so in spite of your best efforts, it just doesn't seem like the law of attraction is working for you. But how can this be? This is a universal law, perfect in its design and implementation. It's like gravity, right? We don't know really what it is, but we sure like heck know its effects. Well, try this: manifest something that you really, absolutely, and positively don't care about. Make it outlandish, outrageous, and off-the wall. At least make it something that really won't have an effect on your life if you experience it, but that is far outside your 'normal' experience. The point being that when it 'comes true', you will know you, yes you, manifested it.

Let me give you a couple of examples of what I'm talking about.
  1. Do you usually go out for walk? Ok, let's say you take a walk during the daytime. And, it's not within your normal experience to see a helicopter fly "close" to you. So you decide to manifest a helicopter, a yellow helicopter, that flies towards you and passes almost or directly overhead. This is not a helicopter that you see off in the distance. This is a yellow helicopter, heading your way, and flying over you close enough that you can see the lettering on it.
  2. Maybe you're not the 'going-for-a-walk' type. So, you're sitting there staring at the driveway outside your kitchen window. You decide to manifest a bird, a brown bird, that flies into you field of vision from the upper right hand corner. The bird will land in a specific area of the driveway that you intend, the bird will walk to the east, then turn around and walk to the west, then fly off in a southerly direction. This is the scenario you intend to manifest.
Now, this exercise assumes that you have some experience in attempting to manifest those things you really want in life. However, let me set some guidelines to do this exercise:
  • Ask yourself what detailed, unusual thing you'd like to see or experience. Decide on something that is completely unimportant to your happiness or really outside the limits of what you desire in life. Like, a bird landing on the driveway, etc. You get the idea!
  • Don't go too crazy with detail, but don't be vague. A certain level of detail is needed to make sure that your mind doesn't classify a similar experience as 'just a coincidence.'
  • Make your intention not only a mental thing, speak it out. Write it down, and read it out loud. It would be good if you relax for a couple of minutes before declaring your intention; do some deep breathing before you visualize.
  • Express gratitude to your creator, to the universe, or just say thanks for the experience.
  • Make your intention something to be manifested right now. Don't set any kind of time limit or time expectation on your intention beyond your clear intent that this is to be manifested right here and now. Express gratitude for the experience in the now, as if it's happening or already happened.
  • Be passionate or deliberate about your intention. Just because this is something that will not affect your life per se, you still make it clear to yourself and "anyone" listening that THIS IS what you intend right here and right now. Don't be wishy-washy about this. It is so because you intend it so. Period!
  • After a couple of minutes of this self-talk, let it go. Go about your business, but keep an eye out for the presence of what you have intended.

I'm not going to get into a discussion about why I set up this exercise in this manner. Suffice it to say that this is based on personal experience, an experience that I'd love for you to have, if you want it. Send me an email or leave a comment on this blog about your experience. I'll discuss this exercise in more depth in the near future.

Jose Pineda

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Success in 6 Minutes A Day

Almost daily now, I'm running into a new program or course that shows people how to tap the power of the subconscious mind to improve their lives. While this is not a cure-all for your less-than-perfect life, subconscious reprogramming is essential if you are to improve your lot in life.

Before you can get to a better you, you have to radically change the way you think, the way you look at the world, and probably your most fundamental beliefs. We hear this from self-help experts all the time. In fact, just about every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has tried to teach the rest of us poor saps about the importance of our beliefs: from Buddha, to Jesus, to Spinoza and more recently Tony Robbins and Joel Osteen.

One of, what I consider, these great teacher is Bob Proctor. Perhaps you've heard of him since he was the main teacher in that little video known as "The Secret." But I had heard of Bob years before that. I had even read some of his stuff. Now, when he came out with this new program called Six Minutes To Success, I was (I have to admit) glad to hear that the "6-minute Abs" principle had finally come to self-help. Why?

Well, you can read all the self-help books in the world, you can attend personal growth seminars until you're blue in the face, but unless you focus on a specific set of problems & solutions, and stick with the program, you are likely to become one of the tons of well-meaning people who don't see much of a return on their self-help investments.

Basically, if you stick with the Six Minutes To Success program, the results are bound to be so fantastic that your mind will find it easier to accept that even more positive changes can be gleaned from more in-depth personal development efforts. So, check it out, click on the link or the banner to go get all the details.

SixMinutesToSuccess Banner