Now, to be fair, this isn't your usual free report you can download from may sites, and which leaves much of the good stuff out until you pay for it. This is an honest-to-goodness, 200-page, wisdom-packed FREE ebook about the pro's and con's of giving your kid an allowance.You may think you know all that's important about that subject, but I guarantee this book will get you thinking about kids and their allowance in ways you haven't imagined.
It took me a couple of days to read it, but I came away with a renewed sense of empowerment. So much of what most us need in today's world is not taught in schools, and frankly, despite their best efforts, many parents are doing a less-than-stellar job teaching their kids about money. I'm willing to accept that my parents were not very good teachers in personal finance matters. I am not willing to accept the same for my own kids.
So, go download the free book now, and while you are there give some serious thought to signing up for some of the other offers that will presented to you. They're giving away some very nice bonuses with the paid stuff. If it's not for you, that's ok, but please...
P.S. When you get a chance, go to JosePineda's Portal and click on the Universal Mall link on the left. I've been developing a new one-stop shopping site, and I hope you will check it out. I already have some really good deals on different merchandise listed there, and more on the way as I get time to find the kind of bargains I'm interested in.
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